سوالات متداول

کت و شلوار ضد شورش چیست؟

The Riot Suit offers essential full-body protection for all law enforcement agencies and protects the user's whole body against impacts .

Police riot control equipment typically includes a helmet, shield, body armour, gas mask, and other protective items designed to shield against blunt objects and less-lethal weapons like pepper spray or rubber bullets.

What’s the non-ballistic tactical helmet bump helmet ?

Bump helmets are usually used outside of combat situations. But, that doesn’t mean that they are not used by armed forces when it comes to training or non-combat missions. Such helmets are also used to acclimate future soldiers to wearing a helmet at all times. Generally, there are three situations where bump helmets are used:
  1. ورزش های شدید
  2. ماموریت اکتشاف و نجات Outback
  3. آموزش

چرا از تجهیزات بالستیک استفاده کنیم؟

Soft ballistic protection is used in vests for the police and military, and protects against fragments and handgun ammunition.

Ballistic protection involves protection of body and eyes against projectiles of various shapes, sizes, and impact velocities .Such protection is generally required for soldiers, policemen and general security personnel.

A bulletproof vest, also known as a ballistic vest or a bullet-resistant vest, is an item of body armor that helps absorb the impact and reduce or stop penetration to the torso from firearm-fired projectiles and fragmentation from explosions.

some soft ballistic armor will stop certain slashing threats, it is primarily designed to stop bullets. But for protection against bladed weapons, choose Spike-level-rated armor. Whatever your mission, be sure to select the bulletproof plate  ( Which material has SIC+PE, Alunima+PE , B4C +PE, PE or aramid fiber ) to stop the most likely threats.

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